Tag Image Google dari BrotherBear
brother bear tag orang yang baca blog dia...
so aku da baca blog dia, maka aku pon kena la tag kan...
sekali sekala men tag... huehuehue
Here's the rule;
Use Google image to search the answers to the question below.
Then you must choose a picture of the first page of results, and post it as your answer.
After that, tag 7 ppl.
The Age Of Next Birthday
Places I'd Like To Visit
A Favourite Place
A Favorite Food
Favorite Things
A Nickname I have
College Major
Name Of My Love
A Bad Habbit
My Wish list
aku nak tag suma LEGENDA BLOGGERS!
so aku da baca blog dia, maka aku pon kena la tag kan...
sekali sekala men tag... huehuehue
Here's the rule;
Use Google image to search the answers to the question below.
Then you must choose a picture of the first page of results, and post it as your answer.
After that, tag 7 ppl.
The Age Of Next Birthday
Places I'd Like To Visit
A Favourite Place
A Favorite Food
Favorite Things
A Nickname I have
College Major
Name Of My Love
A Bad Habbit
My Wish list
aku nak tag suma LEGENDA BLOGGERS!